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PCHiA 4/2024

Serdecznie zapraszamy Państwa do zapoznania się z treścią najnowszego numeru naszego kwartalnika Pielęgniarstwo Chirurgiczne i Angiologiczne.


W zeszycie 4/2024:
Medical simulation in the process of teaching wound prevention and treatment. Literature review and analysis of personal experiences
Zdzisława E. Chmiel, Paweł Więch, Joanna Przybek-Mita, Kazimiera Hebel, Dariusz Bazaliński

Quality of life of professionally active nurses
Violetta Cebulska, Violetta Koźlak, Agata Łyskawka

The impact of method of colorectal cancer surgery on quality of life of patients using the EORTC questionnaire
Elżbieta Kania

Duration and failure of short intravenous catheters in a paediatric hospital: a 5-year retrospective analysis
Klaudia Misterka, Maciej Latos

Validation of the Simulation Effectiveness Tool – Modified scale in Poland
Grzegorz Ulenberg, Agata Ulenberg, Łukasz Czapiewski

Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in bariatric patients
Katarzyna Cierzniakowska, Marta Górna, Tomasz Zwoliński, Aleksandra Popow, Elżbieta Kozłowska

Crush wounds as an interdisciplinary problem: a description of two clinical cases
Paulina Mościcka, Justyna B. Cwajda, Arkadiusz Jawień, Maria T. Szewczyk

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